Our services and activities

  • General clinic, specialized clinic,
  • Refraction
  • Spectacles fitting, repair, providing of other optical devices
  • Low vision services, Implementation of intervention projects

Past events

Commemoration of world sight days in 2019 to 2020 where special Groups were offered specialized eye consultation and treatments at Nazaret Leprosarium and Bethlehem centre.

Upcoming events

Worlds sight day 2021 commemoration in October.

Past projects

 Ifakara eyes initiative 2018-2020, primary school student eye screening and church mosque project.

Upcoming project

Red refract, special needs school project, Ifakara eyes initiative surgery project

Upcoming research

 Prevalence and risk factories for POAG among members of Ulanga communities


Teaching centre for ophthalmology resident from Muhimbili University, and other universities.

Our Services are provided every day from 07:30 – 16:30 Monday to Friday.

Welcome to our department for services and work with us if you’re the professional